Series: Weekly Parsha Shiur, 5767: Tefillah |
In-depth study of the foundations of Prayer as it develops from the beginning of the Torah. Concepts will be drawn from and developed based on the week's Torah portion. Lecture format. |
Level: N/A | Age: All Adults | Gender: both |
Title |
Speaker |
Shemos- Tefillah: Geulah- Relief or Relationship |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Acharei Mos-Kedoshim - Kedushah: Aligning Ourselves with Hashem |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Balak - Moshe Rabbeinu & Bilaam: Prototype Prophets |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Bamidbar - Yerushalayim: Hashem's Presence Amongst the Masses |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Beha'aloscha - Crossroads of Connection: Prayers of Crisis and of Calm |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Behar/Bechukosai - Barech Aleinu: Discovering Hashem in Eretz Yisrael's Fruitful Bounty |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Bereishis - Relinking Heaven and Earth |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Beshalach - Transcendent Tefillah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Bo - Avodah: A Commitment to Serving Hashem |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Chayei Sarah - Mincha: Echoing Hashem's Will |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Chukas - The Psalm and the Sword: Maintaining a Balance Between Physical Efforts & Prayer |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Devarim - HaTov VeHameitiv: Discerning Hashem in the Darkness of Golus |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Eikev - The Shema: Sacrificing Ourselves for the Sake of Hashem |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Emor - Material Perfection: Transforming Spiritual Abstraction into Reality |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Ki Savo - Confidence in Judgement as Part of a Community |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Ki Seitzei - The Effects of Transgressing Hashem's Will |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Ki Sisa - Avinu Malkeinu: Closeness & Distance |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Korach - Isolating Evil Within A Community...With Humility |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Lech Lecha - Calling in the Name of Hashem |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Matos/Masei - Yearning for Geulah: Self-Sacrifice for a Greater Purpose |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Mikeitz - Mussaf: Acceptance Without Requests |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Mishpatim - Rachamin: A Blend of Chessed & Din |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Nitzavim/Vayeilech - Teshuvah: Turning the Distance into an Asset |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Noach - Rising to the Occasion |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Pinchas - The Moadim: Unity through a Meeting with Hashem |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Re'eh - Kove'ah Makom Le'tefillaso: Tefillah as a Creative Act |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Shelach - For Hashem's Sake: Bris As a Relationship of Dedication |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Shoftim - Confidence as a Factor of Faith |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Tazria/Metzora - Speech: The Language of Relationship |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Terumah - Avodah Shebilev: Spirit Within a Structure |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Tetzaveh - Ketores & Purim: The Core Essence of Spirituality |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Toldos - Blessings & Prayer: Reality Generated Through Words |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Tzav - Shabbos HaGadol & Yetzias Mitzrayim |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Va'eira - Emes: The Fulfillment of a Promise |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Vaeschanan - Unifying Hashem Through a Relationship of Love |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Vayakhel/Pikudei - Sounds of Har Sinai, Visions of Har HaBayis |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Vayechi - Moments of Despair, Moments of Hope: Yearning for Salvation |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Vayeira - Bris Avos - A Perpetual Relationship |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Vayeishev - Experiencing Joy in the Presence of Hashem |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Vayeitzei - Maariv: Escape from Distraction / Clash of Urgency |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Vayigash - Hashem Echad: From Jealousy to Unity |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Vayikra - Da'as:Man & Animal-The Distinguishing Factor |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Vayishlach - Concern for Others, Concern for Self |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Tefillah - Yisro - Seeing & Hearing: Two Methods of Encounter with Hashem |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |