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Friday, Jan 17, 2025 Parshas Shemos 17 Tevet, 5785
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Project Genesis
Series: Given @ Midrash Shmuel -
From our collection of guest speakers at Yeshiva Midrash Shmuel in Yerushalayim
Level: N/A | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

27 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
Ahavas Torah U'Mesiras Nefesh Brevda, Rabbi Shlomo ztl Buy Now
Aseres Yemei Teshuva - Is Yom Kippur a Day of Kapporah for All? Brevda, Rabbi Shlomo ztl Buy Now
Chanukah - Mosif V'Holech - Pre-war Europe Krohn, Rabbi Paysach Buy Now
Chanukah - Not the Holiday You Learned about in Kindergarten Brevda, Rabbi Shlomo ztl Buy Now
Chanukah: Miracles with Few Sources Brevda, Rabbi Shlomo ztl Buy Now
Given @ Midrash Shmuel - Nigious Frand, Rabbi Yissocher Buy Now
Given @ Midrash Shmuel - Tuning in to Davening - D'vakus Brevda, Rabbi Shlomo ztl Buy Now
Given @ Midrash Shmuel - Unity Brevda, Rabbi Shlomo ztl Buy Now
Given @ Midrash Shmuel: Elul - Judgement Kreiswirth, Harav Chaim zt Buy Now
Given @ Midrash Shmuel: Malchuyos, Zichronos & Shofaros Brevda, Rabbi Shlomo ztl Buy Now
Given @ Midrash Shmuel: Medical Ethics - Infertility, IVF Flaum, Rabbi Tzvi Buy Now
Given @ Midrash Shmuel: Medical Ethics - Stem Cells Flaum, Rabbi Tzvi Buy Now
Given @ Midrash Shmuel: Talmidei Chachamim - Elul Kreiswirth, Harav Chaim zt Buy Now
Harav Hag'on R' Shteinman Speaking in Yeshiva Midrash Shmuel (In Hebrew) Shteinman, Harav Hag'on Ahron Leib
Hatzlacha Amitis Brevda, Rabbi Shlomo ztl Buy Now
Kinyan Torah - What do you Mean I Need to Acquire my Torah? Brevda, Rabbi Shlomo ztl Buy Now
Lost in the Middle of Shmoneh Esrei Reisman, R' Yisroel Buy Now
Purim - Remembering our Connetion to Hashem even during the Darkest Hours of Golus (WWII) Brevda, Rabbi Shlomo ztl Buy Now
Teshuva - Pischu Li Pesach B'Sha'ar Brevda, Rabbi Shlomo ztl Buy Now
The Holocaust and the Rebuilding of Torah Life Brevda, Rabbi Shlomo ztl Buy Now
The Importance of Chizuk Brevda, Rabbi Shlomo ztl Buy Now
The Topic Nobody Likes to Talk About Brevda, Rabbi Shlomo ztl Buy Now
Yeshivas -Miracles of Miracles (Torah bringing Moshiach) Brevda, Rabbi Shlomo ztl Buy Now
Yoffi Lach Mizbeach Brevda, Rabbi Shlomo ztl Buy Now
Yom Kippur & Succos - Being a Malach Brevda, Rabbi Shlomo ztl
Zecher L'Yitzias Mitzraim Brevda, Rabbi Shlomo ztl Buy Now
Zerizus - The Jewel of all Middos Krohn, Rabbi Paysach Buy Now



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