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Saturday, Feb 8, 2025 Parshas Beshalach 10 Shvat, 5785
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Project Genesis
Series: Torah For Tycoons
Torah in the workplace
Level: N/A | Age: All Adults | Gender: both

50 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
'Money and Mitzvos' Dec 07 T4T Schwab, Rabbi Aron Yehuda & Cohen, Jim
A Hard Pill to Swallow Sommers, Rabbi Shachne
Abusing Prescription Drugs according to the Torah Schwab, Rabbi Aron Yehuda
Allow Natural Death Shwab, Rabbi Aron Yehuda
Anonymous Giving: Is it the highest form of charity Schwab, Rabbi Aron Yehuda
Arms Under Fire: A Second Look at the Second Amendment Schwab, Rabbi Aron Yehuda
Balak-Are magic tricks permitted? Fleisher, Rabbi Mordechai
Charging for free advice Schwab, Rabbi Aron Yehuda
Chukas-Body of the Righteous Become Impure Fleisher, Rabbi Mordechai
Conflict of Interest - Torah for Tycoons Sommers, Rabbi Shachne
Copyright in Halacha Sommers R' Shachne
Divided Loyalities Sommers, Rabbi Shachne
Does It Work - Labor Unions and the Politics Agitation Scott Wasserman and Rabbi Mordechai Fleisher
Does It Work? Labor Unions and the Politics Agitation Scott Wasserman and Rabbi Mordechai Fleisher
Driven to Distraction The Challenge of Technology with Evan Dechtman- June 5 Schwab, Rabbi Aron Yehuda
Ethics of going Bankrupt Fleisher, Rabbi Mordechai
Finger Pointing Sommers, Rabbi Shachne
Flawless Gems? The Ethics of Blood Diamonds Schwab, Rabbi Aron Yehuda
Flawless Gems? The Ethics of Blood Diamonds Schwab, Rabbi Aron Yehuda
Free Radicals? The Responsibilty of those who Promote Terror Fleisher, Rabbi Mordechai
Getting in the Door: The Issues of Immigration Fleisher, Rabbi Mordechai
Getting Mad, Getting Even, Getting it Right: Dealing with Corporate Betrayal Schwab, Rabbi Aron Yehuda
Going Green At Torah for Tycoons Sommers, Rabbi Shachne
Good Gossip Schwab, Rabbi Aron Yehuda
Halachos of Stealing Clients Sommers, Rabbi Shachne
Higher Standard - Post Election and Torah Sommers, Rabbi Shachne
How to Balance Idealism and Pragmatism Sommers, Rabbi Shachne
Intellectual Property and Copyright in Halacha Fleisher, Rabbi Mordechai
Is the Water for You Sommers, Rabbi Shachne
Justice and the Media Fleisher, Rabbi Mordechai
Kosher In Buissness Sommers, Rabbi Shachne
Marijuna and Halacha Schwab, Rabbi Aron Yehuda
Organ Trafficing in Torah Sommers, Rabbi Shachne
Parshas Korach and Machlokes Fleisher, Rabbi Mordechai
Parshas Shelach - Supplicating Angels and the Deceased Fleisher, Rabbi Mordechai
Ponzi+Scheme+with+Torah Schwab%2C+Rabbi+Aron+Yehuda
Protection Plan: Safeguarding Society while Upholding the Rights of the Mentally Ill Schwab, Rabbi Aron Yehuda
Shareholders vs. Management Sommers, Rabbi Shachne
T4T - Politics and Torah Sommers, Rabbi Shachne
T4T- Love your Fellow Sommers, Rabbi Shachne
Tebowing - The Torah point of view Schwab, Rabbi Aron
The%2BIssues%2Bof%2BTracking%2Band%2BSnooping%2Bon%2BOther%2BPeople Fleisher, Rabbi Mordechai
Throw the Bum out - Torah For Tycoons March Steinharter, Rabbi
Torah and the Environment Sommers, Rabbi Shachne
Torah For Tycoons - Family Buissness Sommers, Rabbi Shachne
Torah for Tycoons - Is Elective Surgery Allowed? Sommers, Rabbi Shachne
Torah for Tycoons - What's with the Money Sommers, Rabbi Shachne
Torah Perspective on Government Intervention Fleisher, Rabbi Mordechai
Transparency & Disclosure Abrams, Dr. Daniel and Sommer, Rabbi Shachne
Treating Contagious Disease Mozes, Rabbi Eli



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