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Monday, Jan 13, 2025 Parshas Shemos 13 Tevet, 5785
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Series: Parsha
Level: N/A | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

332 files in this series.
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Acharei Mot- Kedoshim- 2009 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Acharei Mot-Kedoshim - 2001 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Acharei Mot-Kedoshim - 2003 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Acharei Mot-Kedoshim - 2005 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Acharei Mot-Kedoshim - 2006 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Acharei Mot-Kedoshim 5770/2010: Focusing on the Inner Dimensions of Reality (4/20/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
ayeira 5770/2010: Moshe vs. Pharaoh - The Power of G-dliness vs. Arrogance and False gods, Part 2 (1/12/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Balak - 2003 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Balak - 2004 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Balak 2008-5758 Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
Balak 5770/2010: Behold, a Nation (6/22/09) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Bamidbar - 2000 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Bamidbar - 2001 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Bamidbar - 2003 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Bamidbar - 2004 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Bamidbar - 2005 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Bamidbar - 2006 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Bamidbar 2008 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Bamidbar 2010/5770: The Jew as Individual and as Part of a Whole (5/11/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Bamidbar 2011/5771 : The Jewish People: A Chariot for the Divine (5/24/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Bechukosai - 2004 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Bechukotai Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Bechukotai 2011/5771 The Blessings if You Listen (5/17/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Behaaloscha - 2001 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Behaaloscha - 2003 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Behaaloscha - 2005 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Behaaloscha 5770/2010: Creating Light out of Darkness (5/25/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Behaaloscha: Reaching the Peek and Staying There- JRC- June 9, 2009 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Behar - 2000 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Behar 2011/5771 Commandments and Life Circumstances that Ensure an Eternal Child/Parent Relationship with G-d (5/10/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Behar-Bechukosai - 1999 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Behar-Bechukosai - 2001 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Behar-Bechukosai - 2005 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Behar-Bechukosai - 2006 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Behar-Bechukotai 2010/5770: Becoming G-dly with G-d's Help via Mitzvot and Historical Occurences (5/4/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Beraishit 2009: Man and Creation (10/13/09) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Bereishit - 2003 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Bereishit - 2006 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Beshalach - 2000 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Beshalach - 2001 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Beshalach - 2002 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Beshalach - 2003 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Beshalach - 2004 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Beshalach - 2005 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Beshalach - 2006 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Beshalach 2008/5768 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Beshalach 2009 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Beshalach 2010/5770: Belief in One's Potential as Part of Belief in Hashem (1/26/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Beshalach 2011/5771 Deserving to be the Nation of G-d (1/11/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Beshalach and Yisro- 2000 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Bo - 2001 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Bo - 2002 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Bo - 2003 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Bo - 2004 -Pharaoh - Understanding the Nature of Evil Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Bo - 2005 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Bo - 2008/5768 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Bo - 2009 -The Exodus from Egypt: Gaining Spiritual Freedom Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Bo 2007 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Bo 5770/2010: Spiritual Wealth that the Jewish People Brought out from Egypt (1/19/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Chayei Sara 5760: Giving as the Foundation for a Relationship with G-d (11/10/09) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Chayei Sarah - 2001 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Chayei Sarah - 2003 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Chayei Sarah - 2004 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Chayei Sarah - 2005 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Chayei Sarah - 2006 - The Role of the Matriarchs: Sara’s Life, Mission and Lesson for Future Generations Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Chayei Sarah 2007/5768 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Chayei Sarah 2008/5759 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Chayei Sarah 2010/5771 Eliezer: Turning a Curse into a Blessing (10/26/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Chayei Sarah 2011/5772: Sarah's Death as a Source of Life (11/15/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Chukas - 2003 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Chukas 2011/5771 The Limitations of Total Reliance on Logic in our Relationship with G-d (6/28/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Chukas-Balak - 2001 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Chukat 5770/2010: Speaking to the Rock/Hitting the Rock Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Devarim - 2001 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Devarim - 2005 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Emor - 2001 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Emor - 2003 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Emor - 2004 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Emor - 2005 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Emor - 2006 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Emor 2011/5771 Yom Tov: A Slice of Eternity (5/3/11) Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
Emor 5770/2010 - The Holidays as a Sample of the Dynamics of the Relationship between Hashem and the Jewish People (4/27/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Ha'azinu: Looking at Jewish History from a G-dly Perspective (9/22/09) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Haazinu - 2001 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Haazinu - 2002 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Haazinu - 2005 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Insights into Vayeira: Hashem visits Avraham after Circumcision (2/01/10 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Kedoshim - 2000 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Kedoshim - 2008 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Ki Savo - 2001 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Ki Savo - 2002 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Ki Savo - 2004 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Ki Savo - 2005 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Ki Seitzei - 2004 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Ki Tavo 2008/5758 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Ki Tavoh: The Mitzvah of Bikurim and its Connection to the Essence and Role of the Jewish Nation (9/13/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Ki Teitzei 2008/5768 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Ki Tisa - 2003 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Ki Tisa - 2004 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Ki Tisa - 2006 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Ki Tisa - 2008 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Ki Tisa 2010/5770 The Consequences of the Golden Calf: An Education Process (3/2/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Ki Tisa 2011/5771: Turning Low Points into a Springboard for a Closer Bond with G-d (2/15/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Korach - 2001 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Korach - 2003 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Korach - 2004 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Korach 2008/5768 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Korach 2010/5770: Korach Challenges Moshe and Aharon's Leadership (6/8/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Korach 2011/5771 The Reason for the Harsh Consequences in the Story of Korach (6/21/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Lech Lecha - 2001 - The Life of Avraham: Lessons in Maintaining a Relationship with G-d Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Lech Lecha - 2002 - The War of the Four and Five Kings Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Lech Lecha - 2003 -The Tests of Avraham: Building the DNA of the Jewish People Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Lech Lecha - 2004- Avraham’s Test: Choosing Not to Choose Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Lech Lecha - 2005- Avraham’s Test: Forming a Godly Nation Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Lech Lecha - 2006- Avraham: The Source of All Blessing Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Lech Lecha - 2007 Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
Lech Lecha 2008/5759 Avraham: Appointing A Leader Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Lech Lecha 2010/5771: Avraham as a Man of Sight and Insight (10/12/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Lech Lecha 2011/5772: Avrohom Starting the World on a Journey Towards Purpose (11/1/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Lech Lecha 5760 (10/27/09) Teichman, Rabbi Yisroel Buy Now
Masei - 2004 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Matos - 2004 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Matos-Masei - 2005 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Matot Massei- JRC- July 14, 2009 Teichman, Rabbi Yisroel Buy Now
Metzorah - 2004 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Mikeitz 2008 - Pharaoh's Dreams - Winter Week of Learning 08 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Mikeitz: "An End Came to Darkness", Part 2, 2009/5770 (12/15/09) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Mikeitz: "An End Came to Darkness", Part I, 2009/5770 (12/15/09) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Miketz and Chanukah: The Dreams of Pharaoh and the Dreams of Yosef Expressing 2 Life Philosophies (11/30/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Mishpatim - 1999 - Mitzvot – A Means of Affecting the Spiritual Reality Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Mishpatim - 2000 - The Laws of the Jewish Slave Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Mishpatim - 2001 - Commanded to Feel? Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Mishpatim - 2002 - The Statutes and Ordinances: Understanding Man’s Potential Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Mishpatim - 2003 - Shaping a Nation Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Mishpatim - 2004 - Jewish Law vs. Civil Law Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Mishpatim - 2005 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Mishpatim - 2006 - Focus on the Laws of Slavery Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Mishpatim 2009 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Mishpatim 2010/5770: The Connection Between Sinai & Parshat Mishpatim (2/9/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Mishpatim 2011/5771 Laws concerning who we are rather than just what we do (1/25/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Mishpatim 5768/2008 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Naso - 1999 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Naso - 2000 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Naso - 2001 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Naso - 2004 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Naso - 2005 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Naso 2008 / 5768 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Naso 2011/5771 Birkat Kohanim (5/31/2011) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Naso-Behaaloscha - 1998 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Naso: Makeup of the Jewish Nation- JRC- June 2, 2009 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Nitzavim - 2001 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Nitzavim - 2004 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Nitzavim - Vayeilech (9/20/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Nitzavim 5768/2008 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Nitzavim-Vayeilech - 2001 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Nitzavim-Vayeilech - 2002 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Nitzavim-Vayeilech - 2005 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Nitzavim-Vayeilech - 2007 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Noach - 2000 -The Flood: A Message of Hope Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Noach - 2001 (with an introduction to Bereishit): Connection vs. Disconnection: Noach’s Role in Bringing the World Back to its Purpose Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Noach - 2003 – The Flood: A Stage in Building a Better Future for Mankind Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Noach - 2005 – The Flood: Destruction as A Means to Rebuild Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Noach - 2006 - The Generation of the Flood Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Noach 2009/5760 After the Flood: The Change in G-d's Reaction to Evil (10/20/09) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Noach 2011/5772: Understanding the Decline of the Generations between Man and Noach (10/26/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Noach 5771/2010: An Ancient Story or Current Event? (10/05/2010) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Parashat Noach 2008/5759 Teichman, Rabbi Yisroel Buy Now
Parshas Mikeitz - 2001 -Jewish Leadership: Yosef and Yehuda Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Parshas Mikeitz - 2004 - Yosef’s Dreams, Pharaoh’s Dreams - A Comparison Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Parshas Mikeitz - 2006 -The Sale of Yosef: A Family's Story, A Nation's Story Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Parshas Mikeitz - 2007: Pharoah's Dream and Yosef's Interpretation: A Forum for Two Schools of Thought Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Parshas Vayechi - 2000 - The Life of Yaakov Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Parshas Vayechi - 2003 - Blessings and Birthright Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Parshas Vayechi - 2004- Blessings Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Parshas Vayechi - 2005- The Greatest Years of Yaakov’s Life Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Parshas Vayeishev - 2001 - Yosef and Jewish Enslavement in Egypt: Two Stories, One Vision Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Parshas Vayeishev - 2004- The Dreams of Yosef: Jewish Unity and the Mission of Turning Darkness into Light Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Parshas Vayeishev - 2006 - Yosef and Yehuda - Two Aspects of Redemption Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Parshas Vayigash - 2001 - Yosef’s Revelation to the Brothers: Lessons in Human Nature Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Parshas Vayigash - 2002 - Yosef’s Exile: Seeds of Creation of the Jewish Nation Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Parshas Vayigash - 2004 - Yehuda and Yosef: A Family Story of National Proportions Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Parshas Vayigash - 2007 - The Challenge of Egypt: Spiritual Survival Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Parshas Vayishlach - 2000 - Yaakov Confronts Esav Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Parshas Vayishlach - 2001 - Physical vs. Spiritual Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Parshas Vayishlach - 2002 -Yaakov’s Struggle to Reform Evil Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Parshas Vayishlach - 2003 - Yaakov and Esav: Two Approaches to the Physical Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Parshas Vayishlach - 2004- The Life of Yaakov: A Lesson in Creating Spiritual Strength Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Parshios Vayeishev,Mikeitz, and Vayigash - The Sale of Yosef: A Precursor to the Messianic Era Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Pekudei - 2004 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Pekudei - 2008 - Part I Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Pekudei - 2008 - Part II Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Pekudei 2011/5771 The Building of the Tabernacle and the Creation of the World (3/1/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Pinchas (Summer Week of Learning 2010) (6/29/10) Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
Pinchas - 2004 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Pinchas - 2005 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Pinchas 2008/5768 Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
Pinchas 2011/5771 The Transfer of Leadership to the Second Generation (7/12/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Pinchas- JRC- July 8, 2009 Teichman, Rabbi Yisroel Buy Now
Shelach - 1999 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Shelach - 2001 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Shelach - 2004 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Shelach - 2005 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Shelach 2008, 5768 Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
Shelach 2011/5771 Mitzvot as a Means of Reconnecting to Hashem after the Sin (6/14/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Shelach 5770/2010: The Story of the Spies (6/1/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Shemini - 2000 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Shemini - 2002 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Shemini - 2004 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Shemini - 2008 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Shemos - 2003 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Shemos - 2005 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Shemos - 2006 - Afflictions: A Means of Growth Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Shemos 5770/2010: Exile in Egypt as Preparation for Receiving the Torah and for all Future Exiles (01/04/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Shemot 2010/5771: Exile in Egypt as Preparation for the Receiving of the Torah (12/21/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Shmini 2011/5771 The Inauguration of the Tabernacle & the Laws of Kashrut as Indicators of the Unique Relationship Between G-d and the Jewish People (3/22/11)i Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Shoftim - 2004 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Studies in Lech Lecha: Avrohom Fights to Release Lot from Captivity (11/9/09) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Tazria - 1999 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Tazria - 2002 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Tazria - 2004 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Tazria - 2008 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Tazria 2011/5771 Impurity in Human Beings (3/29/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Tazria-Metzora 2010/5770 - Impurity: A Message of Love about the Greatness of Man and the Power of Speech (4/13/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Tazria-Metzorah - 2001 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Tazria-Metzorah - 2003 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Tazria-Metzorah - 2005 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Terumah - 2001 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Terumah - 2002 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Terumah - 2003 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Terumah - 2005 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Terumah - 2006 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Terumah 2009 - Part 1 Teichman, Rabbi Yisroel Buy Now
Terumah 2009 - Part 2 Teichman, Rabbi Yisroel Buy Now
Terumah 2011/5771 The Tabernacle: An Expression of the Covenant of Love between Hashem and the Jewish People (2/1/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Terumah 5770/2010 - The Tabernacle: A House for G-d? (2/16/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Terumah-Tetzaveh - 2000 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Tetzaveh - 2001 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Tetzaveh - 2002 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Tetzaveh - 2003 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Tetzaveh - 2004 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Tetzaveh - 2005 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Tetzaveh - 2006 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Tetzaveh - 2008 - Part I Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Tetzaveh - 2008 - Part II Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Tetzaveh 2009 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Tetzaveh 2011/5771 Clothes for the Body; Clothes for the Soul (2/8/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Tetzaveh 5770/2010: Empowering Man with G-dly Capabilities (2/23/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Toldos - 2000: The Blessings: Two Missions, Two Brothers: One Heir Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Toldos - 2001 -Yaakov and Esav: Fighting Falsehood with Falsehood Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Toldos - 2003 -The Land of Israel: A Gift of Three Patriarchs Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Toldos - 2004 -Avraham and Yitzchak: Serving G-d with Love and Awe Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Toldos - 2005 -Yaakov and Esav: Harmonizing Good and Evil Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Toldos - 2006 -Yaakov and Esav: Parallel Stories Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Toldos 2007/5768 -The Story of the Blessings: Did Yaakov fool Yitzchak? Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Toldos 2011/5772: Yitzchok Continuing to Build upon the Legacy of Avrohom (11/22/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Toldot 2009/5770 - The Difference Between Yaakov and Esav: The Willingness to Invest (11/17/09) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Toldot 2010/5771 The Life of Yitzchok in Comparison to the Life of Avraham (11/2/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Tzav - 2004 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Tzav 2011/5771 The Connection Between Offerings and the Erasure of the Memory of Amalek (3/15/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Understanding Relationships- Kedoshim Teichman, Rabbi Yisroel Buy Now
Va'eira 5770/2010: Moshe vs. Pharaoh - The Power of G-dliness vs. Arrogance and False gods, Part 2 (1/12/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Va'eira 5770/2010: Moshe vs. Pharaoh - The Power of G-dliness vs. Arrogance and False gods, Part I (1/12/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vaeira - 1999 - Pharaoh: A Paradigm of Evil Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vaeira - 2000 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vaeira - 2001 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vaeira - 2003 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vaeira - 2005 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vaeira 2006 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vaeira 2009 - A Shift in God's Revelation Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayakhel - 2000 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayakhel - 2002 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayakhel - 2008 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayakhel and Pekudei 2009 Teichman, Rabbi Yisroel Buy Now
Vayakhel-Pekudei - 2001 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayakhel-Pekudei - 2003 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayakhel-Pekudei - 2005 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayakhel-Pekudei - 2006 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayakhel-Pekudei 2010/5770 - The Tabernacle: Becoming One with Hashem (3/9/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayechi 2007 - 5768 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayechi 2010/5771 The Transformation from the Generation of the Patriarchs to the One of the Tribes (12/14/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayeira - 2000 -Avraham’s Tests: A Lesson in the Jewish Approach to Life Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayeira - 2001- Avraham's Tests: Forming a Nation Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayeira - 2003 -Avraham and the Story of Sodom Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayeira - 2004 - Avraham’s Tests: A Lesson in the Partnership between G-d and the Jewish People Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayeira 2005: Avraham’s Journey: Becoming a Godly Person and Light Unto the Nations Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayeira 2006: Avraham’s Test: The Building Blocks of the Jewish Nation Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayeira 2007/5768 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayeira 2008/5769 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayeira 2009/5760: The Power of a Commandment (11/3/09) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayeira 2010/5771: The Forming of a Partnership Between Hashem and Avraham (10/19/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayeira 2011/5772 Avrohom: Doing the Right Thing for the Right Reasons (11/8/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayeishev 2007/5768 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayeishev 2008 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayeishev 2009/5770: The Stories of Yosef and Yehuda as Planting the Seeds for Mashiach ben Yosef and Mashiach Ben David (12/08/09) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayeitzei - 2001- The Contributions of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs to the Jewish Nation Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayeitzei - 2003 -Yaakov’s Lesson: Becoming a Light to the Nations Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayeitzei - 2004- Yaakov: Going Beyond the Physical Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayeitzei - 2006 - Yaakov and Exile Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayeitzei 2007/5768 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayeitzei 2008/5769 -Yaakov’s Ladder: A Vision of the Future of the Jewish People Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayeitzei 2010/5771 Yaakov Exemplifying the Way to Survive Exile and Grow in the Process (11/9/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayekhel 2011/5771 The Connection between Shabbat and Mishkan and the Additional Meaning after the Sin (2/22/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayetzei 2009/5770: The Challenges of Yaakov as Preparation for the Challenges of the Jewish People (11/24/09) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayigash 2008/5769 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayigash 2009/5770 Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
Vayigash 2010/5771: Overcoming Difficulty by Changing Perspective (12/07/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayikra - 2001 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayikra - 2002 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayikra - 2003 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayikra - 2004 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayikra - 2005 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayikra - 2006 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayikra - 2008 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayikra 2010/5770: Understanding Sacrifices & What They Accomplish (3/16/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayikra 2011/5771 Eternity as the Ultimate Goal and the Theme of Vayikra (3/8/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayikra- 2009 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayishlach - 2006 – The Struggle Between Yaakov and Esav Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayishlach 2007/5768 - Yaakov's Struggle with the Angel of Esav Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayishlach 2008 Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayishlach 2009/5770: The Confrontation Between Yaakov and Eisav (12/1/09) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Vayishlach 2010/5771 The Battle Between Good and Evil: Its Nature, Purpose and End Results (11/17/10) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Yisro - 2001- Remembering Sinai: Seeing the Voices, Integrating Greatness Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Yisro - 2002 - Sinai: “Becoming a Kingdom of Ministers and a Holy Nation” Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Yisro - 2003 - Joyful Commitment: Yitro and the Events Leading up to Sinai Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Yisro - 2004 - Tapping into Sinai Today Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Yisro - 2005 -The Revelation at Sinai: Bringing Creation to Completion Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Yisro - 2006 - “Remember the Day that you received the Torah…” Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Yisro - 2008: Part I Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Yisro - 2008: Part II Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Yisro 2009 - Belief in G-d: Reason vs. Revelation Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Yitro 2010/5770: The Power to Hear & Internalize Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now
Yitro 2011/5771 The Giving of the Torah as the Culmination of a Unique Relationship with G-d (1/18/11) Kohn, Mrs. Leah Buy Now



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