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Tuesday, Jan 21, 2025 Parshas Vaera 21 Tevet, 5785
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Project Genesis
Series: Parsha Podcast
This unique weekly D'var Torah on the weekly Parsha incorporates insightful questions and deep machshava to bring across a message of personal growth in one's spirituality and relationship with Hashem.
Level: Intermediate | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

393 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
Acharei Kedoshim - Understanding the logic of illogic Goldwag, Ari
Acharei Mos - Biding the Time Goldwag, Ari
Acharei Mos - Seducing the Satan Goldwag, Ari
Acharei Mos and Pesach: From Egypt to Canaan Goldwag, Ari
Acharei-Kedoshim - Balancing Spiritual and Physical Goldwag, Ari
Acharei-Kedoshim - Cycles of spirituality Goldwag, Ari
Acharei-Kedoshim - Understanding true holiness Goldwag, Ari
Balak - Amalek, Israel and Moshiach Goldwag, Ari
Balak - Final Refinement Goldwag, Ari
Balak - Forces and Counter-forces Goldwag, Ari
Balak - Mystery of Bilam Goldwag, Ari
Balak - Swallowing development Goldwag, Ari
Balak - Threshold Immorality Goldwag, Ari
Balak - Truth and Will Goldwag, Ari
Balak - Uncovering the still, fine voice Goldwag, Ari
Bamidbar-Shavuos - Destination Within the Journey Goldwag, Ari
Bechukosai - Facing the Truth Goldwag, Ari
Bechukosai - The five borrowed Vav's Goldwag, Ari
Bechukosai - Vision of Greatness Goldwag, Ari
Beha'aloscha - Understanding the Erev Rav Goldwag, Ari
Behaaloscha - Doing what you really want Goldwag, Ari
Behaaloscha - Earning the Free Gift Goldwag, Ari
Behaaloscha - Lighting Hashem's Flame Goldwag, Ari
Behaaloscha - Revealing Hidden Light Goldwag, Ari
Behaaloscha - Shining Hashem's Light Goldwag, Ari
Behaaloscha - Trumpets and troubles Goldwag, Ari
Behar - Hashem is Always There Goldwag, Ari
Behar - Losing Oneself in Unity Goldwag, Ari
Behar - Sharing the Wealth Goldwag, Ari
Behar - Thanking Hashem for the challenges Goldwag, Ari
Behar - The Real Secret Goldwag, Ari
Behar-Bechokosai - 50,000 Years of the World Goldwag, Ari
Behar-Bechukosai - Connection through disconnection Goldwag, Ari
Behar-Bechukosai - Giving it back to God Goldwag, Ari
Behar-Bechukosai - Secret of the Shofar Goldwag, Ari
Bereishis - Creation Unfolding Goldwag, Ari
Bereshis - Creation's resistance Goldwag, Ari
Bereshis - Subduing the Ego Goldwag, Ari
Bereshis - The snake and the Satan Goldwag, Ari
Beshalach - Pillar of Fire, Pillar of cloud Goldwag, Ari
Beshalach - Remembering the Future Goldwag, Ari
Beshalach - Removing husks, revealing soul Goldwag, Ari
Beshalach - Singing Redemption's Song Goldwag, Ari
Beshalach - Singing Then Goldwag, Ari
Beshalach - Transcendent Song Goldwag, Ari
Beshalach - Understanding relationships Goldwag, Ari
Beshalach - Water, prophecy and song Goldwag, Ari
Bimidbar - Counting Names Goldwag, Ari
Bimidbar - Counting the Uncountable Goldwag, Ari
Bimidbar - Intensifying relationships Goldwag, Ari
Bimidbar - Lesson of the wilderness Goldwag, Ari
Bimidbar - Love and counting Goldwag, Ari
Bimidbar - Reflecting Hashem's Love Goldwag, Ari
Bo - Conserving Spiritual Power Goldwag, Ari
Bo - Finding Spiritual Alignment Goldwag, Ari
Bo - Revealing Spiritual Mountains Goldwag, Ari
Bo - Spiritual depth perception Goldwag, Ari
Bo - Twin Moshiachs Goldwag, Ari
Bo - Willingness vs Defiance Goldwag, Ari
Breishis - The Real Truth Goldwag, Ari
Breishis - Waters of Desire Goldwag, Ari
Chayei Sarah - Death and Rebirth Goldwag, Ari
Chayei Sarah - Developing Willingness Goldwag, Ari
Chayei Sarah - Laying Claim to Israel Goldwag, Ari
Chayei Sarah - Lifting the physical Goldwag, Ari
Chayei Sarah - Neshama, the lit candle Goldwag, Ari
Chayei Sarah - Neshama, the lit candle Goldwag, Ari
Chayei Sarah - Passing the mantle Goldwag, Ari
Chayei Sarah - Retrieving Holiness Goldwag, Ari
Chayei Sarah - Spiritual Roots Goldwag, Ari
Chukas - Cows, Calves, and Oxen Goldwag, Ari
Chukas - Pure From Impure Goldwag, Ari
Chukas - Sweetening Judgments Goldwag, Ari
Chukas - The death of Miriam Goldwag, Ari
Chukas - The Gift of Love Goldwag, Ari
Chukas - Transcendent Statute Goldwag, Ari
Chukas - Waters of Desire Goldwag, Ari
Devarim & Tisha B'av - Stars and Fire Goldwag, Ari
Devarim - Meriting Mercy Goldwag, Ari
Devarim - Song and Prayer of Redemption Goldwag, Ari
Devarim - Tisha B'av and the spies Goldwag, Ari
Devarim - Where are you? Goldwag, Ari
Devarim - Where is His place? Goldwag, Ari
Devarim-Tisha B'av - Rectifying a Splintered Reality Goldwag, Ari
Devarim-Tisha B'av - Unifying Duality Goldwag, Ari
Ekev - 120 days Goldwag, Ari
Ekev - Balancing Love and Awe Goldwag, Ari
Ekev - Divine Advice Goldwag, Ari
Ekev - Inheriting the Land Goldwag, Ari
Ekev - Parallel Spiritual Levels Goldwag, Ari
Ekev - Two types of relationship Goldwag, Ari
Ekev - Understanding Fear of Hashem Goldwag, Ari
Emor - Balancing Emotion and Intellect Goldwag, Ari
Emor - Beauty and Greatness Goldwag, Ari
Emor - Conduit of blessings Goldwag, Ari
Emor - Counting from Pesach to Shavuos Goldwag, Ari
Emor - Secret of the Omer Offering Goldwag, Ari
Emor - Serving Hashem With Simplicity Goldwag, Ari
Emor - Transforming the physical Goldwag, Ari
Emor - When the Righteous Err Goldwag, Ari
Haazinu - Connecting Heaven and Earth Goldwag, Ari
Haazinu - Defying Nature Goldwag, Ari
Haazinu - Hashem's Crown of Dew Goldwag, Ari
Haazinu - Heaven and Earth, Intellect and Emotion Goldwag, Ari
Haazinu - Taking Opportunities Goldwag, Ari
Haazinu-Rosh Hashana - Silence of the Moon Goldwag, Ari
Holiness Amidst Impurity Goldwag, Ari
Kedoshim - Holiness and Lishma Goldwag, Ari
Kedoshim - Love Your Neighbor, Love Yourself Goldwag, Ari
Kedoshim - Tzion, Yosef and Kedusha Goldwag, Ari
Ki Savo - Begin Again! Goldwag, Ari
Ki Savo - Blessings from Alef to Tav Goldwag, Ari
Ki Savo - Choosing Hashem Goldwag, Ari
Ki Savo - Deep Listening Goldwag, Ari
Ki Savo - Rain Revival Goldwag, Ari
Ki Savo - Rejoicing in darkness Goldwag, Ari
Ki Savo - Removing the husks Goldwag, Ari
Ki Savo - Using This Day Goldwag, Ari
Ki Seitsei - Rejoicing in marriage Goldwag, Ari
Ki Seitze - Facing the Spiritual War Goldwag, Ari
Ki Seitze - Good Brings Good Goldwag, Ari
Ki Seitze - Honest Accounting Goldwag, Ari
Ki Seitze - Intuition and Transcendence Goldwag, Ari
Ki Seitze - Sending away the mother Goldwag, Ari
Ki Seitzei - Tasting the tree Goldwag, Ari
Ki Sisa - Choosing Greatness Goldwag, Ari
Ki Sisa - Light Your Unique Flame Goldwag, Ari
Ki Sisa - Rebuilding relationships Goldwag, Ari
Ki Sisa - Receiving the 7th in the 6th Goldwag, Ari
Ki Sisa - Reflecting the light Goldwag, Ari
Ki Sisa - Secret of the Ibbur Goldwag, Ari
Ki Sisa - Unbreakable Love Goldwag, Ari
Korach - Acceptance and consequence Goldwag, Ari
Korach - Aharon's Transcendent Peace Goldwag, Ari
Korach - Equality vs self esteem Goldwag, Ari
Korach - Hierarchy and Equality Goldwag, Ari
Korach - Understanding the female aspect Goldwag, Ari
Korach - Understanding the Tzaddik Goldwag, Ari
Korach - You Can Have It All Goldwag, Ari
Lech Lecha - At The Threshold Goldwag, Ari
Lech Lecha - Avraham and Canaan Goldwag, Ari
Lech Lecha - Beauty and spirituality Goldwag, Ari
Lech Lecha - Divine humor Goldwag, Ari
Lech Lecha - Fame and Fortune Goldwag, Ari
Lech Lecha - Find Your Voice! Goldwag, Ari
Lech Lecha - Inspiring Impressions Goldwag, Ari
Lech Lecha - War of Abraham Goldwag, Ari
Masei - Coverings and Contrasts Goldwag, Ari
Masei - Warring for Israel Goldwag, Ari
Matos - Fighting for God's Sake Goldwag, Ari
Matos - Humility and redemption Goldwag, Ari
Matos - Masei - Wisdom, Power and Wealth Goldwag, Ari
Matos Masei - Vows, Humility and Unity Goldwag, Ari
Matos-Masei - Good Subsumes Evil Goldwag, Ari
Matos-Masei - Stops on the Journey Goldwag, Ari
Matos-Masei - The Midyan war Goldwag, Ari
Metzora - Pride and Humility Goldwag, Ari
Metzora - Process of Return Goldwag, Ari
Metzora - Unconditional love Goldwag, Ari
Mikeitz - The End of Time Goldwag, Ari
Mikeitz and Chanukah - Stepping Up Goldwag, Ari
Miketz - Chanukah and Yosef Goldwag, Ari
Miketz - Clothing, the bris, food and speech Goldwag, Ari
Miketz - Pawn of Hashem Goldwag, Ari
Miketz - Real Peace Goldwag, Ari
Miketz - Salvation in the blink of an eye Goldwag, Ari
Miketz - Wake Up Call Goldwag, Ari
Mishpatim - All About Angels Goldwag, Ari
Mishpatim - Closeness and Tikkun Goldwag, Ari
Mishpatim - Partners in Reality Goldwag, Ari
Mishpatim - Practical Spirituality Goldwag, Ari
Mishpatim - Preparatory Angel Goldwag, Ari
Mishpatim - Redeeming Truth From Darkness Goldwag, Ari
Mishpatim - Seeing and hearing Goldwag, Ari
Naso - Love and Respect Goldwag, Ari
Naso - Sotah and Nazir Goldwag, Ari
Nasso - Power of Commitment Goldwag, Ari
Nasso - Protecting the Blessings Goldwag, Ari
Nasso - Responsibly Leading Goldwag, Ari
Nasso - Serving Hashem Intuitively Goldwag, Ari
Nasso - The key to egolessness Goldwag, Ari
Nitsavim-Rosh Hashana - Breaking Barriers Goldwag, Ari
Nitsavim-Rosh Hashana - Connecting to Spiritual Essence Goldwag, Ari
Nitsavim-Vayelech - Climbing the Spiritual Ladder Goldwag, Ari
Nitsavim-Vayelech - Song of the Heart Goldwag, Ari
Nitsavim-Vayelech - Today Goldwag, Ari
Nitsavim: Voices inside, voices outside Goldwag, Ari
Nitzavim-Vayelech - Hashem is close Goldwag, Ari
Nitzavim-Vayelech - Teshuva and Torah Goldwag, Ari
Noach - Illusion and Reality Goldwag, Ari
Noach - Invisible Unity Goldwag, Ari
Noach - Of Doves and Olive Branches Goldwag, Ari
Noach - Of Floods and Dispersions Goldwag, Ari
Noach - Revealing Hidden Kindness Goldwag, Ari
Noach - Spiritual hibernation Goldwag, Ari
Noach - The Flood and the Dispersion Goldwag, Ari
Noach - The tzadik's role Goldwag, Ari
Parshas Shoftim - Finding Spiritual Guidance Goldwag, Ari
Pekudei - Counting Toward Unity Goldwag, Ari
Pekudei - Revealed and concealed Goldwag, Ari
Pekudei - Spiritually Infused Livelihood Goldwag, Ari
Pesach - Blossoming Redemption Goldwag, Ari
Pesach - Ecstatic vs Measured Spirituality Goldwag, Ari
Pesach - Leaving Egypt with great riches Goldwag, Ari
Pesach - Passover Ponderings Goldwag, Ari
Pesach - Pieces of Completion Goldwag, Ari
Pesach - Ultimate rectification Goldwag, Ari
Pesach 2 - Rewards of Challenge Goldwag, Ari
Pinchas - 7 Year Podcast Anniversary Goldwag, Ari
Pinchas - Leadership by Example Goldwag, Ari
Pinchas - Mantle of Leadership Goldwag, Ari
Pinchas - Shmini Atzeres and Pinchas Goldwag, Ari
Pinchas - Spiritual balance Goldwag, Ari
Pinchas - Spiritual Intuition Goldwag, Ari
Pinchas - The Pinchas-Eliyahu connection Goldwag, Ari
Pinchas - Zealous Patience Goldwag, Ari
Re'eh - Climbing spiritual mountains Goldwag, Ari
Re'eh - Understanding idolatry Goldwag, Ari
Reeh - Cessation at Seven Goldwag, Ari
Reeh - Climbing God's Mountain Goldwag, Ari
Reeh - Elul - culmination and preparation Goldwag, Ari
Reeh - Hearing and Transcending Goldwag, Ari
Reeh - Israel - Mind of the World Goldwag, Ari
Reeh - Spiritual Laws of Livelihood Goldwag, Ari
Shelach - Spiritual resonance Goldwag, Ari
Shelach - Transcendent Jewish Unity Goldwag, Ari
Shemini - Spiritual Elders Goldwag, Ari
Shemini - True leadership Goldwag, Ari
Shemos - Birthpangs of Redemption Goldwag, Ari
Shemos - Firmness, Patience and Compassion Goldwag, Ari
Shemos - Foundations of Exile Goldwag, Ari
Shemos - Meriting Redemption Goldwag, Ari
Shemos - Moshe and names Goldwag, Ari
Shemos - Pride, self destruction, and redemption Goldwag, Ari
Shemos - Slaying the Snake Goldwag, Ari
Shemos - Voices of Redemption Goldwag, Ari
Shlach - Depth of Forty Goldwag, Ari
Shlach - Inclusive Spirituality Goldwag, Ari
Shlach - Letting Go Of Results Goldwag, Ari
Shlach - Power of trust Goldwag, Ari
Shlach - Seeing Through the Lie Goldwag, Ari
Shmini - Accessing the Transcendent Goldwag, Ari
Shmini - Quiet Love Goldwag, Ari
Shmini - Simcha and sadness Goldwag, Ari
Shmini - Six, seven and eight Goldwag, Ari
Shmini - Talent and Torah Goldwag, Ari
Shoftim - King of Israel Goldwag, Ari
Shoftim - Preparing for war Goldwag, Ari
Shoftim - Quiet Protection Goldwag, Ari
Shoftim - Spiritual battle preparations Goldwag, Ari
Shoftim - The Judge's example Goldwag, Ari
Shoftim - Trusting the sages Goldwag, Ari
Shoftim - Winds of Peace Goldwag, Ari
Simchas Torah and Breishis - Full Circle Goldwag, Ari
Succos - Beyond relationship Goldwag, Ari
Succos - Circling the center Goldwag, Ari
Succos - Full Reflection Goldwag, Ari
Succos - Waters of Appreciation Goldwag, Ari
Succos and Yosef Goldwag, Ari
Succos-Vzos Habracha - Riding the Willows Goldwag, Ari
Tazria - Earlier and Later Goldwag, Ari
Tazria - Levels of Appreciation Goldwag, Ari
Tazria - Milah, word and circumcision Goldwag, Ari
Tazria Metzora - Birth and Rebirth Goldwag, Ari
Tazria-Metzora - Beyond Process Goldwag, Ari
Tazria-Metzora - Facing Spiritual Sickness Goldwag, Ari
Tazria-Metzora - Seven and Unity Goldwag, Ari
Terumah - Drawing Down Holiness Goldwag, Ari
Terumah - Expansion in Constriction Goldwag, Ari
Terumah - Giving Back Goldwag, Ari
Terumah - In and out of reality Goldwag, Ari
Terumah - Receiving Torah, Receiving God Goldwag, Ari
Terumah - Secret of Lishma Goldwag, Ari
Terumah - Shechinah Returning Goldwag, Ari
Terumah - Spiritual gravity Godlwag, Ari
Tetzaveh - Do We Have Free Will? Goldwag, Ari
Tetzaveh - Mishkan and Purim Goldwag, Ari
Tetzaveh - Moshe and Aharon Goldwag, Ari
Tetzaveh - Passageway to Eternity Goldwag, Ari
Tetzaveh - Valuing our purpose Goldwag, Ari
Tetzaveh and Purim - Hidden connection Goldwag, Ari
Tetzaveh-Purim - Power of Prayer Goldwag, Ari
Thoughts on Pesach Goldwag, Ari
Toldos - Avraham Yitzchak and Yaakov Goldwag, Ari
Toldos - Beginnings and ends Goldwag, Ari
Toldos - Beginnings and Ends Goldwag, Ari
Toldos - Choosing Greatness Goldwag, Ari
Toldos - Clothes of Dominion Goldwag, Ari
Toldos - Esav and Moshiach ben Yosef Goldwag, Ari
Toldos - Esav and Moshiach ben Yosef Goldwag, Ari
Toldos - Space for defiance Goldwag, Ari
Toldos - Space for defiance Goldwag, Ari
Toldos - Spiritual Power Goldwag, Ari
Toldos - Transcending to New Realms Goldwag, Ari
Tzav - Action and intent Goldwag, Ari
Tzav - Expansion Within Constriction Goldwag, Ari
Tzav - Oil of transcendence Goldwag, Ari
Tzav - Purity of Intent Goldwag, Ari
Tzav - Traversing Adar and Nissan Goldwag, Ari
Tzav and Purim - North and South Goldwag, Ari
Tzav and Purim - Secret of Seventy Goldwag, Ari
Va'era - Hosting Godliness Goldwag, Ari
Va'era - Surmounting Challenges Goldwag, Ari
Vaera - Balancing Fire and Ice Goldwag, Ari
Vaera - Moshe and Aharon, the Geulah team Goldwag, Ari
Vaera - Raising the cup of Salvation Goldwag, Ari
Vaera - Silence Amidst Chaos Goldwag, Ari
Vaeschanan - Extending and Defining Borders Goldwag, Ari
Vaeschanan - Hashem and Israel's love Goldwag, Ari
Vaeschanan - Love Hashem with all your heart Goldwag, Ari
Vaeschanan - Loving Hashem Goldwag, Ari
Vaeschanan - Resonating with Truth Goldwag, Ari
Vaeschanan - Staying Connected to God Goldwag, Ari
Vaeschanan - True Love Goldwag, Ari
Vayakhel - Active and passive relationship Goldwag, Ari
Vayakhel - Moshiach, Mishkan and Shabbos Goldwag, Ari
Vayakhel - Names of Godliness Goldwag, Ari
Vayakhel - Shabbos, the Mishkan, and the moon Goldwag, Ari
Vayakhel Pekudei - Hashem's Unconditional Love Goldwag, Ari
Vayakhel-Pekudei - Prayers of a Lion Goldwag, Ari
Vayakhel-Pekudei - Sensing Hashem in our lives Goldwag, Ari
Vayakhel-Pekudei - The Five Dimensions of reality Goldwag, Ari
VayakhelPekudei - Nature and Nurture Goldwag, Ari
Vayechi - Blessings and Prayer Goldwag, Ari
Vayechi - Double Blessings Goldwag, Ari
Vayechi - Efraim, Yosef and fruit Goldwag, Ari
Vayechi - Finding Good Points Goldwag, Ari
Vayechi - Hastening the End of Days Goldwag, Ari
Vayechi - Lesson of Beit Shemesh Goldwag, Ari
Vayechi - Modesty and blessings Goldwag, Ari
Vayechi - Revealing redemption Goldwag, Ari
Vayechi - War of Armageddon Goldwag, Ari
Vayeira - Shining the Light of Truth Goldwag, Ari
Vayelech - Giving it all to Hashem Goldwag, Ari
Vayelech-Yom Kippur - Lengthening Lifespans Goldwag, Ari
Vayera - Binding of Yitzchak Goldwag, Ari
Vayera - Chamber of Exchanges Goldwag, Ari
Vayera - Formed Through Fire Goldwag, Ari
Vayera - Kindness and Surrender Goldwag, Ari
Vayera - Revealing God's plan Goldwag, Ari
Vayera - Times of transition Goldwag, Ari
Vayeshev - Dreams and Chanukah Goldwag, Ari
Vayeshev - Free Will Spectrum Goldwag, Ari
Vayeshev - Light in the Darkness Goldwag, Ari
Vayeshev - Shimon and Yosef Goldwag, Ari
Vayeshev - Unconditional Love and Judgment Goldwag, Ari
Vayeshev - Yaakov and Yosef Goldwag, Ari
Vayeshev - Yosef and Chanukah Goldwag, Ari
Vayetze - Climbing the Spiritual Ladder Goldwag, Ari
Vayetze - Spiritual Transitions Goldwag, Ari
Vayetzei - Catalyst for good Goldwag, Ari
Vayetzei - Catalyst for Good Goldwag, Ari
Vayetzei - Drawing Hashem into the Darkness Goldwag, Ari
Vayetzei - Dreams of Heaven Goldwag, Ari
Vayetzei - Synthesis of Opposites Goldwag, Ari
Vayetzei - Thanks and surrender Goldwag, Ari
Vayetzei - Thanks and surrender Goldwag, Ari
Vayetzei - Turn it around Goldwag, Ari
Vayetzei - Turn it around Goldwag, Ari
Vayigash - Climax and culmination Goldwag, Ari
Vayigash - Counting to Seventy Goldwag, Ari
Vayigash - deep tikkun Goldwag, Ari
Vayigash - Exile and Redemption Goldwag, Ari
Vayigash - Joining As One Goldwag, Ari
Vayigash - Love and Tears Goldwag, Ari
Vayigash - Secret of tears Goldwag, Ari
Vayigash - Tears, Silence and Shechina Goldwag, Ari
Vayikra - Expansion in Limitation Goldwag, Ari
Vayikra - Prayer and sacrifice Goldwag, Ari
Vayikra - Sacrifices and prayer Goldwag, Ari
Vayikra - Soul Desire Goldwag, Ari
Vayikra - Special Nation Goldwag, Ari
Vayikra - Understanding forgiveness Goldwag, Ari
Vayikra - Voice of Love Goldwag, Ari
Vayishlach - Distorted Reflections Goldwag, Ari
Vayishlach - Keep the fire burning Goldwag, Ari
Vayishlach - Rising Above Angels Goldwag, Ari
Vayishlach - Rochel, Yakov, Binyomin Goldwag, Ari
Vayishlach - Secret of the Ibbur Goldwag, Ari
Vayishlach - Space Within Constriction Goldwag, Ari
Vayishlach - The secret of Shechem Goldwag, Ari
Vayishlach - Truth of the Soul Goldwag, Ari
Vzos Habracha-Succos - Receiving Blessings Goldwag, Ari
Yisro - All is One Goldwag, Ari
Yisro - Finding the true God Goldwag, Ari
Yisro - Hashem is there for us Goldwag, Ari
Yisro - Hearing Hashem's Voice Goldwag, Ari
Yisro - Light in the darkness Goldwag, Ari
Yisro - Number Three and Relationships Goldwag, Ari
Yisro - Seeing and hearing God Goldwag, Ari
Yisro - Stages of completion Goldwag, Ari
Yom Kippur and Unity Goldwag, Ari
Yom Kippur: Renewing Commitment Goldwag, Ari



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