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Sunday, Sep 1, 2024 Parshas Shoftim 28 Av, 5784
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Project Genesis
Torah Talk - November 07, 2004[TT014]
Speaker:   Menken, Rabbi Yaakov
Series: Torah Talk
Lecture Details:  Our last show... I interviewed Rabbi Nesanel Kasnett, a Senior Editor on the Artscroll Talmud project, about the effort -- which hopes to finish the entire Talmud in time for the Siyum HaShas, completion of the Talmud, of the Daf Yomi, folio-per-day cycle.

Also, Jonah Ottensoser joined us, fresh from the pages of Wired Magazine, to discuss how companies are modifying high-tech appliances to ensure that they meet the needs of observant Jews.

I also took some time to discuss everything that is keeping me busy, explaining why I decided not to renew the radio contract for another quarter.
Library: Project Genesis  View All Lectures
Level: Introductory
Age: All Ages
Gender: both
Length: 1 hour  More Info
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