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Wednesday, Sep 11, 2024 Parshas Ki Seitzei 8 Elul, 5784
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Project Genesis
An Untraditional Look at Traditional Judaism – Part I
Speaker:   Heller, Rebbitzen Tziporah
Series: Guest Speakers
Lecture Details:  What’s with Jewish tradition? Why are there so many rituals? Isn’t it enough to just be a good person? Does G-d really care about what we eat or if we turn on lights on Shabbat? And what about the role of women in traditional Judaism? Why can’t women be Rabbis, be called to the Torah or count in a minyan? Don’t miss Tziporah Heller, internationally renowned scholar, lecturer, and spiritual guide– her eye-opening workshops are guaranteed to enlighten, entertain and expand your horizons.
Library: Chicago Torah Network  View All Lectures
Level: N/A
Age: All Ages
Gender: both
Length: 1 hour 
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