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Friday, Mar 28, 2025 Parshas Pekudei 28 Adar, 5785
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Chareidio Global Jewish News March 30 2008[20080330]
Speaker:   Lipman, Michoel
Series: Chareidio Brief Profile
Lecture Details:  Chareidio Global Jewish News- March 30 2008 Two Palestinian gunmen killed near Kissufim crossing- Qassam rocket hits preschool in Sha'ar haNegev region- IAF strikes Jihad cell in northern Gaza- Police capture Palestinian infiltrators in Bat Yam Holon- Workers boycott MDA facility in Eilat because of Kashrut violations- Israeli Arabs celebrate 'Land Day'- Lebanese university students protest against Syria- Saudi Arabia boycotts Arab summit- Two Pakistani intelligence agents shot in Karachi- Claims of Mossad intervention in Zimbabwe- Bomb explodes in mosque in Nepal- Dutch government praises Moslems for muted response- Protesters clash with police in Athens- Seven doomsday cult members leave cave- British Airways cuts service pending Heathrow troubles- 'Open Skies' deal paves way for more flights- 'Earth Hour' celebrated worldwide- Curlin wins Dubai World Cup- Python explodes after eating alligator- Jerusalem weather.
Library: Chareidio  View All Lectures
Level: N/A
Age: All Ages
Gender: both
Length: 7 min. More Info
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