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Friday, Mar 28, 2025 Parshas Pekudei 28 Adar, 5785
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Chareidio Global Jewish News May 25 2008[20080525]
Speaker:   Lipman, Michoel
Series: Chareidio Brief Profile
Lecture Details:  Chareidio Global News- May 25 2008 Israeli planes intercept plane carrying former British Prime Minister Tony Blair- Israeli Defense MInistry announces request for new US fighter jets- IDF troops engage militants in Gaza- Two Palestinian militants killed near the Kissufim border crossing- New housing units approved in Betar Illit- United Nations Security Council endorses Lebanese peace deal- Taleban bomber detonates in Afghanistan- Rising death toll in Chinese massive earthquake- Opposition leader returns to Zimbabwe to face runoff- Sports spectators riot in Brussels- French court overturns Karsenty libel conviction- French unions lead massive protests- British authorities arrest Islamists after bomb explodes in restaurant- FARC leader dead in Colombia- Quebec government rejects proposal to remove religious symbol- Thunderstorms, tornadoes rake parts of the US, including Southern California- US Food and Drug Administration advisory- Researchers discover second biological clock- New red spot discovered on Jupiter- US Dollar hits low against Israeli shekel, oil prices rise- Jerusalem weather
Library: Chareidio  View All Lectures
Level: N/A
Age: All Ages
Gender: both
Length: 9 min. More Info
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