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Friday, Mar 28, 2025 Parshas Pekudei 28 Adar, 5785
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Chareidio Global Jewish News July 4 2008[20080706]
Speaker:   Lipman, Michoel
Series: Chareidio Brief Profile
Lecture Details:  Chareidio Global News- July 6th 2008. State of Israel shuts border crossings with Gaza- Israeli Defense Ministry approves expansion of yeshiva in Hebron- EU investigating UK West Bank imports- BBC apologizes for terror coverage- Syrian inmates riot- Afghan MP assassinated by militants- Gunman ambush Afghan checkpoint- Explosion at post office in Yemen- Bomb detonates at concert in Minsk- Koreans protest over renewal of US beef imports- Former DRC vice president faces war crimes trial- German man 'decapitates' wax Hitler image- Netherlands blocks Iranians from nuclear studies- British Royal Navy signs contract to build two mega-carriers- European interest rates, oil up- UK releases terror suspect for lack of evidence- Continental Airlines to stand trial for Concorde crash- Wildfires hit Santa Barbara County California- Man breaks high wire record- Planet Mercury shrinking- Jerusalem weather.
Library: Chareidio  View All Lectures
Level: N/A
Age: All Ages
Gender: both
Length: 5 min. More Info
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