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Tuesday, Feb 18, 2025 Parshas Mishpatim 20 Shvat, 5785
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WIT Terumah - The House of G-d and Building a Home
Speaker:   Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Series: Women's Institute of Torah Parsha Shiur, 5769
Lecture Details:  The mishkan and mikdash are referred to as the bayis (house) of Hashem. The concept of a bayis is connected to the roles of a wife, who is described as a bayis. She is the connecting element that joins parts of the house together to form one unit, just as the mikdash unties all of the Jewish people. Bayis also refers to the inside. The woman's role inside of her house is what enables her to create the pure, wholesome atmosphere of the home, with the proper priorities. Similarly, the Beis Hamikdash created a sense of focus and enabled people to realign priorities when they were oleh l'regel. As the akeres habayis (mainstay of the home), the woman has both of these significant roles.
Library: Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion -  View All Lectures
Level: N/A
Age: All Ages
Gender: female
Length: 1 hour 5 min.
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