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Wednesday, Feb 5, 2025 Parshas Beshalach 7 Shvat, 5785
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Project Genesis
19 - Kedoshim - Kedusha and Prayer
Speaker:   Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Series: Women's Institute of Torah Parsha Shiur, 5770
Lecture Details:  In Parshas Kedoshim we find the mitzvah of "Kedoshim Tihiyu", we should be kadosh(holy) because Hashem is kadosh. In Parshas Bereishis there is an interesting parallel between the creation of Chava and the creation of man himself. Hashem created a helpmate for Adam in order for him to have someone to connect to, someone created from his very flesh that is similar to him. The creation of man in relation to Hashem serves the same purpose. People have a Tzelem Elokim, as we were created in the image of G-d. This similarity enables us to connect to Him and attach ourselves to His kedusha. Our other unique gift as human beings, the power of speech, allows us to use our connection to Hashem to uplift ourselves and our prayers.
Library: Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion -  View All Lectures
Level: N/A
Age: All Ages
Gender: female
Length: 1 hour 
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