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Tuesday, Jan 14, 2025 Parshas Shemos 14 Tevet, 5785
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Project Genesis
26 - Acharei Mos-Kedoshim - The Gift of Eretz Yisroel- First Aliyah
Speaker:   Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Series: Weekly Parsha Shiur, 5770 - Parsha Plan
Lecture Details:  The first aliyah (section) of Acharei Mos speaks about the service of the high priest once a year on Yom Kippur, and the process of removing himself from the physical world. The beginning of Kedoshim speaks about how to make physical actions holy. Acharei Mos and Kedoshim are 2 opposite sides: Acharei Mos is once a year, making sure you are not getting lost in the physical world and Kedoshim is sanctifying the things within the material world on a day to day basis. Hashem gave the Torah as guidelines for building society in Eretz Yisrael. Eretz Yisrael is the world of applying the Torah to reality and it is the only opportunity we have to show Torah in its place. The gift of Eretz Yisrael is about bringing the Torah down to our hearts and down to the actual earth.
Library: Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion -  View All Lectures
Level: N/A
Age: All Ages
Gender: both
Length: 55 min.
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