22 - Beha'aloscha - Praying for Refuah | |
Speaker: |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Series: |
Women's Institute of Torah Parsha Shiur, 5770 |
Lecture Details: |
When Miriam got tzaraas (leprosy) after speaking improperly about Moshe Rabbeinu, he davened for her to be healed. Health is one of the most common things that we pray for. There is a balance between taking medication and going to doctors to get healed, while recognizing that the Ultimate Healer is only Hashem. It is proper for us to take human measures to guard our health, but we must never lose sight of the One Who is in charge of it all. |
Library: |
Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion - RabbiHauer.org |
View All Lectures |
Level: |
N/A |
Age: |
All Ages |
Gender: |
female |
Length: |
50 min. |
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