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Friday, Mar 28, 2025 Parshas Pekudei 28 Adar, 5785
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Comprehending The Incomprehensible and How The Death of the Righteous Atones Like a Sacrafice - Lz"n Leiby Kletzky Z'l (Parshas Chukas/Para Aduma)
Speaker:   Alter, Rabbi Avrohom M.
Series: Hashkafah -Thought
Lecture Details:  How are we to understand, relate to and internalize tragedies that seem to defy human comprehension? And how does a Jew nurture greatness from such extremely difficult challenges? Police authorities have termed the tragic murder of 8 year old Leiby Kletsky Zt"l a "totally random abduction" & "it was happenstance. But we, "believers children of believers," know that nothing in this world is random nor mere happenstance! The following is a link to a special shiur presentation on the recent horrific tragedy that befell the entire Jewish people with this past week's horrendous atrocity.
Library: Migdal Torah  View All Lectures
Level: N/A
Age: All Ages
Gender: both
Length: 1 hour 15 min.
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