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Tuesday, Jan 21, 2025 Parshas Vaera 21 Tevet, 5785
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A Shiur From Eretz Yisroel in English Shevat 5772[747]
Speaker:   Brevda, Rabbi Shlomo ztl
Series: emuna
Lecture Details:  This shiur was sent from EY & we wish to thank those involved. We had a bit of difficulty with the conversion & upload. That is why the shiur is .wav instead of .mp3 and is so large - even though the total time is a bit less than 2 hours. Please bear with the chatter of less than 2 minutes in the beginning. It is also in one piece. The cost will be $4.00. G_D willing you will not encounter any problems and will enjoy the Rav in his true element - speaking to a Yeshiva. May your joy increase as Adar progresses.Kindly continue with your tefilos for Shlomo Leib ben Miriam, as you will hear towards the conclusion, the Rav continues to experience pain. May the Abishte grant him comfort and a complete refuah. Thank you for your support.
Library: Rav Shlomo Brevda ztl  View All Lectures
Level: Advanced
Age: All Adults
Gender: both
Length: 1 hour 
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