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Saturday, Aug 31, 2024 Parshas Re'eh 27 Av, 5784
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Is the Kiruv Process a Sausage Machine? Tolerance and the Preservation of Individuality in the Outreach Process
Speaker:   Belovski, Rabbi Harvey
Series: Convention 2007
Lecture Details:  Convention 2007 How do we ensure that those we introduce to the Torah world do not become intolerant of those who have not adopted their particular derech? Do we focus on their individual needs when encouraging their religious growth or try to remould them in our own image? Are we enabling our charges to find a style of Judaism that suits their temperament, background and inclinations or do we really have a narrow agenda, with a particular product in mind?
Library: Association for Jewish Outreach Programs  View All Lectures
Level: Advanced
Age: All Ages
Gender: both
Length: 1 hour 16 min.
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