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Tuesday, Oct 15, 2024 Sukkos 13 Tishrei, 5785
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Project Genesis
How You Can Benefit from Standardized Curriculum Part II
Speaker:   Simmons, Rabbi Shraga
Series: Convention 2008
Lecture Details:  Convention 2008 This is an important session on the power of using a standardized teaching curriculum. The session will discuss how you can utilize existing teaching materials in order to save loads of preparation time and move your students forward at a much more productive pace. The session will be led by Rabbi Shraga Simmons, the director of, a new website that features comprehensive online courses in halacha and hashkafa. These courses are excellent resources that can help you either teach a class, learn one-on-one with students, or channel students into independent study. This session will be a great opportunity to brainstorm ways to use standardized curriculum most effectively and to share your "best practices" with other kiruv professionals.
Library: Association for Jewish Outreach Programs  View All Lectures
Level: N/A
Age: All Ages
Gender: both
Length: 41 min.
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