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Tuesday, Oct 15, 2024 Sukkos 13 Tishrei, 5785
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Project Genesis
Judaism Without Walls
Speaker:   Stern, Rabbi Mike
Series: Convention 2008
Lecture Details:  Convention 2008 Judaism without Walls is a new model that offers us such an approach for business and kiruv in the marketplace. We’ll begin by discussing my experience with a typical but extremely successful outreach model: critical ingredients of its success, pros and cons of how the organization positioned itself for long term growth in the marketplace, major challenges that were faced, as well as its overall organizational effectiveness. With that as background, we’ll then discuss a newly designed “without wallsâ€? model that has tremendous potential and strategic advantages in the marketplace. Included will be a discussion of our most innovative programs and potential breakthrough ideas. This model will have you thinking about outreach in a different way.
Library: Association for Jewish Outreach Programs  View All Lectures
Level: N/A
Age: All Ages
Gender: both
Length: 1 hour 19 min.
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