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Tuesday, Oct 15, 2024 Sukkos 13 Tishrei, 5785
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Project Genesis
Master the Art of Speaking to the Neshama in the Kiruv Process
Speaker:   Dinovitzer, Rabbi Yitzchok
Series: Convention 2008
Lecture Details:  Convention 2008 I’m talking to teenagers and they are so incredibly distracted! How do I get their attention? How do I get them talking? Teen groups can often be very cynical. How do I break through? I want to speak to teens in a way that will literally change the course of their lives. How do I do that? I’ve seen successful speakers talk to teenagers and have all eyes riveted on the matter at hand! How do I do that? I’m supposed to lead a chilled out discussion group with teenagers. What do teens want to talk about? What do I do when I say, “Any questions?â€? and there are none? I’m not good at telling stories, what should I do? Enjoy a lively presentation, that explores the ups and downs and do’s and don’ts of teenage kiruv sessions, discussion groups, kumzitzs etc. and their potential impact.
Library: Association for Jewish Outreach Programs  View All Lectures
Level: N/A
Age: All Ages
Gender: both
Length: 1 hour 7 min.
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