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Wednesday, Nov 13, 2024 Parshas Vayera 12 Cheshvan, 5785
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17th Tammuz Inspiration for The 3 Weeks - 1st Section[757A]
Speaker:   Brevda, Rabbi Shlomo ztl
Series: emunah
Lecture Details:  Rav Brevda expresses his thanx to all for your tefillos & requests you to intensify in your continuation. While he is rehabbing & gaining strength, the shiur committee has located videos given in locations other than Midwood. That explains the new #. The committee also invested in equipment to convert these hi8 videos to DVD (which are available on request). It also allows production of exteremly clear audio for your listening. May the Abishte grant Shlomo Leib ben Miriam the strength to provide us with Divrei Torah for Leil Tisha B'Av and grant us the ability to transmit it.
Library: Rav Shlomo Brevda ztl  View All Lectures
Level: Advanced
Age: All Ages
Gender: both
Length: 1 hour 
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