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Friday, Mar 28, 2025 Parshas Pekudei 28 Adar, 5785
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Chanuka 5773 - Music by M. Linden - R.Aharon Brevda Speaks[762]
Speaker:   Brevda, Rabbi Shlomo ztl
Series: emuna
Lecture Details:  As Rav Brevda always gives over, all is in the Eibeshter's control. The Ness of Chanuka is primary in illustrating that. Having a get together to celebrate, thru song, Torah thought & light refreshment, this victory of Purity over tyranny, had an additional purpose; the Rov's recovery. We did not record the opening tehillim. Reb Linden begins with Chanuka music favored by Rav Brevda and then Rabbi Aharon Brevda, provides the Torah thought. The entire download is about 30 minutes & is our Chanuka gift to you. There is no charge. Should anyone wish a DVD, to which we have added a Classic 1 hour Rosh Hashana shiur previously unreleased, please call 718-677-4315 and leave your contact info. Bli neder, someone will return your call. Freilichen Chanuka.
Library: Rav Shlomo Brevda ztl  View All Lectures
Level: Advanced
Age: All Ages
Gender: both
Length: 30 min.
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