"Honor Your Father and Your Mother" - The Hardest Mitzvah in the Torah! (Pre-Kabolas HaTorah) | |
Speaker: |
Alter, Rabbi Avrohom M. |
Series: |
Hashkafah -Thought |
Lecture Details: |
Our sages teach us that the Mitzvah of honoring parents is "Chamur Sh'bichamuros" the most difficult of the difficult! What exactly does that mean? Surely it's not easy, but neither are a number of Hashem commandments. Do Chazal mean to say we might never perform it perfectly anyway? How sad and depressing!!
Why is honoring parents so fundamental to Yiddishkeit that it is grouped in the Aseres HaDibros (10 Commandments)? And more so, why amongst the first 5 which are between man and Hashem? What life's lessons might there be in this Mitzvah for us and our children, that are relevant now before Kabolas HaTorah? |
Library: |
Migdal Torah |
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Level: |
N/A |
Age: |
All Ages |
Gender: |
both |
Length: |
55 min. |
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