Does Hashem Love Sinners Too? and Great Gifts in Bitter Packages! (Parshas Balak) | |
Speaker: |
Alter, Rabbi Avrohom M. |
Series: |
Hashkafah -Thought |
Lecture Details: |
Halachik Question:
A Rabbi is faced with two people who are on their deathbed's. Each one requires the Rabbi assistance to say Vidui (confession). One of them is a righteous man while the other is an infamous evildoer. There is only enough time for the Rabbi to reach and assist one of them. To which deathly ill person should the Rabbi attend? Please listen to the shiur below and see if you can arrive at the same fascinating, eye opening conclusion as did the renowned Maharshal as is presented in the Kol Bo's laws of Aveilus. |
Library: |
Migdal Torah |
View All Lectures |
Level: |
N/A |
Age: |
All Ages |
Gender: |
both |
Length: |
37 min. |
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