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Friday, Sep 20, 2024 Parshas Ki Savo 17 Elul, 5784
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Storm Weather and Halacha (Audio)[82]
Speaker:   Goldberg, Rabbi Zvi
Series: Kosher Classes Teleconference
Lecture Details:  STORM WEATHER AND HALACHA STARTING NOW - Wednesday Jan 28, 2015, NOON ET Click here to join - • • Spreading Salt on Shabbos • Is the Eruv Down? • Roads Closed - Go to Shul? • Power outages and Shabbos • Dealing with Flooding With Rabbi Mordechai Frankel, Director Star-K Institute of Halacha Hosted by Rabbi Zvi Goldberg
Library: Star-K Kosher Classes  View All Lectures
Level: Intermediate
Age: All Ages
Gender: both
Length: 42 min.
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