Series: Women's Institute of Torah Parsha Shiur, 5772 |
In-depth study of a theme of the week's Torah portion, drawing on primary sources in Midrash and classic works of Jewish thought. This year's lectures focus on topics relating to Emunah. |
Level: N/A | Age: All Ages | Gender: female |
Title |
Speaker |
1 - Lech Lecha - The Emunah of Avraham and The Emunah of Shem |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
10 - Va'eira - Emunah: Keeping His Word |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
13 - Mishpatim - The Sefer HaBris |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
13 - Terumah - Hashem's Presence & Providence |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
15 - Vayakhel, Pikudei, Parah - Waiting & Listening Faithfully |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
16 - Vayikra - Pesach, Korbanos and The 13 Principles of Faith |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
17 - Tazria/Metzora - Hidden Treasures |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
18 - Acharei Mos/Kedoshim - Saying Shema B'Ahava |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
19 - Emor - Lag B'Omer - Emunah of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
2 - Vayeira - Avraham: Chesed and Emunah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
20 - Behar, Bechukosai - Illness and Emunah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
22 - Naso - Emunah & Individuality |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
23 - Shelach - Emunah and Ahavah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
27 - Shelach - 2 Forms of Tefillah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
3 - Chayei Sarah - Emunah in the G-d of Heaven and Earth |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
4 - Toldos - Emunah and Tefillah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
5 - Vayeitzei - Emunah: Am I Hashem? |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
6 - Vayishlach - Emunah; The Tzaddik and The Palm Tree |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
7 - Vayeishev - Emunah; Acts of Man & of Hashem |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
8 - Mikeitz and Chanukah - The Sixth Sense of Emunah |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
9 - Shemos - Emunah: The Bread of Egypt |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Beshalach - Trusting Hashem |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |
Shavuos - The Midbar and The Voice of Hashem |
Hauer, Rabbi Moshe |