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Sunday, Sep 15, 2024 Parshas Ki Savo 12 Elul, 5784
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Project Genesis
Lights Along the Way (Mesilas Yesharim)
Speaker:   Twerski, Rabbi Dr. Abraham
Series: JWisdom
Lecture Details:  Few books have been classics for scholars and laymen alike. Mesillas Yesharim/Path of the Just is at the top of that select list. In crisp, flowing language, in a step-by-step presentation that combines keen insights into human nature with goals that inspire, encourage, and challenge, this masterpiece presents answers to the age old question, "What is man’s obligation in his world?"

The author of this primer for life is Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto, the Ramchal, who was a phenomenal sage, philosopher, ethicist, saint, and Kabbalist. For nearly three centuries, his Mesillas Yesharim has been the indispensable, well-thumbed road map to fulfillment for the full gamut of serious and intelligent people.

This work gives Mesillas Yesharim a new dimension for modern times. In it, Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski M.D. pours a lifetime of knowledge and experience. A master of the spirit and the mind, Rabbi Twerski applies the timeless to the timely.

The author quotes and translates key passages from Mesillas Yesharim and applies them to the problems and hurdles of modern life. In the process, the reader sees a vintage classic with fresh eyes, and appreciates Ramchal with unexpected clarity.

Library: Jewish World Review  View All Lectures
Level: N/A
Age: All Ages
Gender: both
Length: 7 min. More Info
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