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Thursday, Jan 16, 2025 Parshas Shemos 16 Tevet, 5785
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Project Genesis
11 - Vayechi - Efraim and Menashe- Second Aliyah
Speaker:   Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Series: Weekly Parsha Shiur, 5771 - Parsha Plan
Lecture Details:  In the second aliyah of Parshas Vayechi, Yaakov gives Efraim & Menashe a bracha, and says that they will be considered like sons to him, as part of the Shevatim (tribes). There is a unique quality to Efraim and Menashe that Yaakov wants to include as part of the Shevatim. They were born to Yosef in the land of Mitzrayim, separate from Yaakov Avinu, and have the koach(strength) of Yosef to become leaders and rule in a situation of golus (exile). We bless our children to be like Efraim & Menashe, achieving greatness through exile while still remaining separate and elevated.
Library: Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion -  View All Lectures
Level: N/A
Age: All Ages
Gender: both
Length: 55 min.
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