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Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025 Parshas Vaera 22 Tevet, 5785
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Project Genesis
15 - Beshalach - Hashem Will Fight For You- 2nd Aliyah
Speaker:   Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Series: Weekly Parsha Shiur, 5771 - Parsha Plan
Lecture Details:  We see that after Krias Yam Suf takes place, the Jewish People sing a shira, they daven to Hashem. We might wonder why they waited until after Krias Yam Suf? Why not sing shira immediately after Yetzias Mitzrayim? Krias Yam Suf was a time when Bnei Yisroel were instructed to stand and watch what Hashem can do. We learn that tefillah comes at a time when we recognize that everything is from Hashem. A true tefillah comes from humility, from understanding that it isn't a team effort between me and Hashem, but rather Hashem is doing it all. When we recognize that it is all in Hashem's hands, that is when we see things clearly and are truly able to daven.
Library: Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion -  View All Lectures
Level: N/A
Age: All Ages
Gender: both
Length: 53 min.
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