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Saturday, Feb 15, 2025 Parshas Yisro 17 Shvat, 5785
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Project Genesis
Shivisi: The Building Blocks to a Meanigful Relationship with G-d Constantly
Speaker:   Markowitz, Rabbi Shai
Series: Convention 2012
Lecture Details:  Convention 2012 The Sefer HaChinuch lists six mitzvos that are “constant.â€? They must be a part of us every moment of every day of our lives; we must perform them with every breath we take and every thought we have. By learning and living with the Six Constant Mitzvos in our lives - as well as the lives of those around us - we will find that these six mitzvos form the bedrock of our Yiddishkiet and are an empowering framework for living with a vibrant Emunah and developing a meaningful relationship with Hashem, a relationship that will be reflected in our every action - constantly.
Library: Association for Jewish Outreach Programs  View All Lectures
Level: N/A
Age: All Ages
Gender: both
Length: 53 min.
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