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Saturday, Aug 31, 2024 Parshas Re'eh 27 Av, 5784
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Project Genesis
Series: Convention 2012
Level: N/A | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

51 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
3 Secrets of Dynamic Speakers Lieberman, Dr. David Buy Now
A Presentation of a Groundbreaking Study on Families of Baalei Teshuva Multiple Speakers Buy Now
Beyond Birthright: Using it as a Stepping Stone for Your Students Hajioff, Rabbi Lawrence Buy Now
Building Self-Esteem in Ourselves and Our Children Lieberman, Dr. David Buy Now
Coming Closer to Hashem Rietti, Rabbi Jonathan Buy Now
Coming Closer to Our Mesorah: History & Archeology of Purim Becher, Rabbi Mordechai Buy Now
Coming Closer to Your Children Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
Coming Closer to Your Community Bane, Mr. Moshe Buy Now
Coming Closer to Your Spouse Twerski, Rabbi Mordechai Buy Now
Coming Closer to Your Teenager Goldberger, Rabbi Menachem Buy Now
Coming Closer to Yourself Shafier, Rabbi Ben Tzion Buy Now
Complete Tips & Tricks: A Crash Course Klatzko, Rabbi Benzion Buy Now
Confidentiality in Law & Halacha Multiple Speakers Buy Now
Connecting Jews to Jewish History, History in Outreach and Inreach: Treasures of the Cairo Genizah Becher, Rabbi Mordechai Buy Now
Counseling Training for Mikarvim Part I Multiple Speakers Buy Now
Counseling Training for Mikarvim Part II Twerski, Rabbi Mordechai Buy Now
Creating a Women's Movement in Kiruv Multiple Speakers Buy Now
Don't Look Now, We All Need Inspiration Bergstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Buy Now
Expanding Your Role as a Mekarev: Learning How to do Kiruv in the Classroom Part I Rietti, Rabbi Jonathan Buy Now
Expanding Your Role as a Mekarev: Learning How to do Kiruv in the Classroom Part II Rietti, Rabbi Jonathan Buy Now
Families with Young Children, Endless Potential Multiple Speakers Buy Now
From 3 Families to 100: How We Grew Our JFX Community Koval, Mrs. Ruchi Buy Now
Frum Kids On Campus: A Kiruv Responsibility or Not? Multiple Speakers Buy Now
Half-Shabbos: Not Just Another Crack in the Wall Adlerstein, Rabbi Yitzchok, Glasser, Rabbi Yaakov Buy Now
Hi, My Name is Klal Yisrael and I'm an Addict: being Part of the Solution, Not the Problem Chinn, Rabbi Hirsch M. Buy Now
How Rabbi Dave Increased Birthright Enrollment by 1,390% in 4 Years Felsenthal, Rabbi David Buy Now
How Rabbi H. Turned a Common Misconception into a Blockbuster Kiruv Tool Hajioff, Rabbi Lawrence Buy Now
If Only I Could Share One Lesson... Multiple Speakers Buy Now
Inspirational Stories to Make You Laugh and Cry Black, Rabbi Glenn Buy Now
Integration: Being Part of a Community is a Make It or Break It Issue Twerski, Rabbi Benzion Buy Now
Market or Die Part I Goldman, Jon Buy Now
Market or Die Part II Goldman, Jon Buy Now
Now What? Baalei Teshuvah Explain Follow Up Concerns & Issues Multiple Speakers Buy Now
Open Forum: Q & A on Study of Baalei Teshuvah Families Multiple Speakers Buy Now
Opening Up the World of Torah Learning to Baalei Teshuvah Multiple Speakers Buy Now
Psychological & Jewish Perspectives on Positive Parenting: Finding the Balance Between Love and Limits Pelcovitz, Dr. David Buy Now
Reaching Your True G-d Given Potential Felsenthal, Rabbi David Buy Now
Right Message, Wrong Words Eisenberg, Mr. Steve Buy Now
Securing Your Organization for Present and Future Generations Burg, Rabbi Steven Buy Now
Shailos and Teshuvos Cohen, Rabbi Dovid Buy Now
Shivisi: The Building Blocks to a Meanigful Relationship with G-d Constantly Markowitz, Rabbi Shai Buy Now
Successful Models for Jewish Learning & Community Building Kirsch, Rabbi Danny Buy Now
Successful Models of Campus Recruitment Multiple Speakers Buy Now
The 8 Building Blocks of Community Feldman, Rabbi Ilan Buy Now
The Top 10 Reasons Frum People Are Unhappy with Their Yiddishkeit Adlerstein, Rabbi Yitzchok Buy Now
They Daven 3 Times a Day, But Are They Sure Someone's Listening? Sapirman, Rabbi Dovid Buy Now
Turning Kiruv Inside Out Twerski, Rabbi Benzion Buy Now
Turning Kiruv Inside Out Gewirtz, Rabbi Eli Buy Now
Turning Kiruv Inside Out Perlow, Rabbi Yaakov Novominsker Rebbe Buy Now
Unlocking the Door: Women, the Key to the Family Multiple Speakers Buy Now
When the Giver is Really the Receiver: The Secret to Living an Inspired Life Lightstone, Rabbi Aryeh Buy Now



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