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Friday, Mar 28, 2025 Parshas Pekudei 28 Adar, 5785
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Emor - Conduit of blessings
Speaker:   Goldwag, Ari
Series: Parsha Podcast
Lecture Details:  What is the concept of the Lechem Hapanim? Why are there specifically two rows of six loaves of bread? What is the function of the frankincense that is part of the offering? Why was it saved from week to week, only eaten a week after the Shabbos it had originally been placed there? What is the connection between the lechem hapanim and the story of the mekalel? What is the connection between his claim to live with the tribe of Dan and his attack on the concept of the lechem hapanim? What is the significance of the fact that his father was the Egyptian taskmaster that Moshe had killed many years before? What is the significance of the fact that we base a person's tribe on the father's side, and a person's Judaism on the mother's side? How are we to understand the concept of someone who curses Hashem's name, heaven forbid? Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.
Library:  View All Lectures
Level: Intermediate
Age: All Ages
Gender: both
Length: 19 min. More Info
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