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Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025 Parshas Ki Sisa 12 Adar, 5785
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Project Genesis
15 - Vayakhel, Pikudei - Shabbos
Speaker:   Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Series: Women's Institute of Torah Parsha Shiur, 5773
Lecture Details:  In the creation of the world, we see two parallel worlds formed: Gan Eden and outside of Gan Eden. The first world, Gan Eden, is the ideal world in which man was put there in order to maintain its goodness. In the second world, outside of Gan Eden, man is constantly in an upward battle to conquer the world and overcome those creations which were made before him. The purpose of both worlds is Shabbos. In this world, we need to live and conquer with this goal of Shabbos, the ideal world, in mind. When our purpose is laid out in the beginning making it our primary focus, and we have a crystal clear vision of Shabbos, then all of our decisions that are made the following week will fall into that framework.
Library: Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion -  View All Lectures
Level: N/A
Age: All Ages
Gender: both
Length: 1 hour 5 min.
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